I am sitting in a café opposite a fire department. It is Friday afternoon and the firemen are washing one fire truck after the other with a hose. It is a hot day. A splash of water would be fun, I think. There is a cute little boy with his Dad watching the men washing their trucks. The boy is fascinated and watches every little step they do, laughing and fidgeting around. The firemen – the opposite. They seem not to take any notice of the little boy. Their faces serious. None of them talks. None of them smiles.
Wouldn’t it be fun for everyone to smile a little? To splash a bit of water over to the boy? To say „Hello“ or to wave their hands?
I understand they definitely have a hard job and actually it doesn’t take long until they jump into one of their cars and drive away with siren sound.
But still… It might mean nothing for the firemen; but it probably means a world of memory for the little boy. And I am pretty sure – it would have light-up the day of the firemen as well.
What I want to say is, yes, our lives are meaningful, what we do matters and might not be easy. And yes in all our lifes there are happening some really bad things.
Nevertheless let’s not blur the limits and make everything hard to bear. Let’s more often think back to our childhood days and see the playful part of what we do. Let’s feel more lightness in more situations and that way have more energy to handle the really difficult challenges of life.
Life is just far too important to be taken seriously – and I mean that – serious! 😉